Romans 8:38-39 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Today, estranged from most of my family and far away from many of my dear friends, in the quiet moments between cooking and cleaning, I found my heart a bit heavy with loneliness. At one of those moments, I looked over and saw my bible next to my bed. My heart was full. No matter how far we are away from those we love, or maybe have no one in our lives to share this day with, we are never alone.
I can remember a time when this book was only words. A time not so long ago when I had no idea who those words pointed to. No relationship with the God among them. Many years of healing later, there is nothing that soothes my heart more than spending time with them. These words, once indescribably angry and contradictory seeming, now point to someone who loves me more than I could possibly ever love myself. Someone who knows what I need even before I do. Someone who is never far away even when everyone else is.
It seems strange to some that an invisible God could be so tangible. To those who don’t know Him, it seems impossible that something so far away could feel so close and be truly comforting. I can’t explain to you how it works. I just know that it does! When you get to know Him, the real Him when you spend time getting to know His son and His spirit. There is nothing more real, more, tangible, more peace-giving, and more love-bringing than the true and living God.
For all the many, many, things I am thankful for today - getting to know Him is number one!!